

The FAFSA简化法案 was passed by Congress in 2020 and represents a significant overhaul of the processes 以及用于授予联邦学生资助的系统. 这包括免费应用程序 for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, the need analysis that determines federal student 援助的资格, changes in terminology, and many policies and procedures for schools 参加联邦学生援助项目.

FAFSA现在可用. 你想知道什么?

You should complete the FAFSA if you have not already done so and plan to receive 2024年秋季,2025年春季或2025年夏季的经济援助.



  1. 你可以去 studentaid.gov 并提交FAFSA.
  2. 请确保您添加UAFS的学校代码,以便将您的信息发送给我们! 学校代码: 001110.



  1. Log into studentaid.gov 查找您的FAFSA状态.
  2. 确保你将UAFS列为你的学校选择之一!
  3. 一旦处理完毕,教育部将把你的FAFSA发送到UAFS.
  4. Log into My.UAFS and review your 金融援助 Checklist for missing requirements and financial aid offers.  


登录助学服务.更改您的FAFSA或将UAFS添加为您的FAFSA 学校的选择!  如果您对更改FAFSA有疑问,请 联系UAFS财政援助 & 退伍军人福利办事处.  


财政援助 & 退伍军人福利办公室致力于制定新的FAFSA流程 对你来说越简单越好! 该办公室正在与软件供应商和IT部门合作 professionals to ensure the university’s system is effectively processing new FAFSAs.

What is the timeline to receive 信息 about your UAFS financial aid awards?

The university has recently begun processing FAFSAs received from the Department of Education.  

This means that if you listed UAFS as one of your 学校的选择, the university is 积极决定你是否有资格获得联邦学生资助.  

你应该登录你的 My.UAFS account and review your financial aid checklist for any missing requirements.  此外, you can review the college financing plan for detailed cost of attendance as well 作为直接成本和间接成本. 这些信息可能有助于决定哪些奖项 在审查经济援助申请时接受. 



There are exciting changes coming to the FAFSA application for the 2024-2025 aid year. This includes a more streamlined application process, better user experience, expanded 资格,并减少了某些学生群体的障碍.

FAFSA将把问题的上限从108个减少到46个. 因为 the online FAFSA is dynamic, some students won't be presented with all 46 questions. This streamlined format will simplify the application and make it less daunting for 学生及其家庭.

Previously, the FAFSA allowed students to list up to 10 colleges and universities.

目前,FAFSA只提供英语和西班牙语版本. 2024-2025年的申请 will be expanded to include the 11 most common languages spoken by English learner 学生及家长.

Previously, users had the option to enter their tax 信息 manually or use the IRS数据检索工具. 从2024-2025年开始,所有FAFSA捐助者必须提供 对美国的同意.S. 接收联邦税务信息或 直接从国税局确认非申报状态. 在极少数的 cases, students and families will have to enter their tax data manually, but for most 该数据将自动传输到应用程序中. 这个变化使 it easier to complete the FAFSA and reduces the number of questions to be answered.

A contributor — a new term being introduced on the 2024-2025 FAFSA — refers to anyone who is required to provide 信息 on a student's form (such as a parent, step-parent, 或配偶). 学生在FAFSA上的回答将决定哪些贡献者(如果 任何)将被要求提供信息.

Contributors will receive an email informing them that they've been identified as such and will need to log in to the FAFSA using their own FSA ID  to provide the required 信息.

Being a contributor does not mean they are financially responsible for the student's education costs, but it does mean the contributor must provide 信息 on the FAFSA or the application will be incomplete and the student will not be eligible for 联邦学生资助.

A notable terminology update within the new FAFSA is the replacement of the term Expected 家庭资助与学生资助指数(SAI). 这个名字更准确 describes the number used to determine 联邦学生资助 eligibility, and unlike EFC, SAI可能是负数,低至-1500.

Previously, the FAFSA included the number of household members attending college into the EFC, dividing it proportionately to determine 联邦学生资助 eligibility. Beginning with the 2024-2025 FAFSA, the application will still ask how many household members are in college, but your answer will not be calculated into the SAI. As such, undergraduate UAFS students with siblings in college may see a change in their federal 援助的资格.

Families making less than 175 percent and single parents making less than 225 percent of the 联邦贫困水平 会看到他们的学生得到最高的分数吗 联邦佩尔助学金 award. Minimum Pell Grants will be guaranteed to students from households below 275, 325, 350, or 400 percent of the poverty level, depending on household structure. Pell awards between the maximum and minimum amounts will be determined by the SAI.

For 学生的依赖, financial 信息 was previously needed from the parent(s) the student had lived 是过去12个月里最多的. 有了新的FAFSA,财务信息 will be required from the parent(s) who provided the most financial support to the student.

When required, families must now report the value of their small business or family farm. If the family farm includes the principal place of residence, applicants should determine the total net value of all farm assets and subtract the net value of their principal residence to determine the final net value of their farm assets.


While the FAFSA is being updated and the eligibility calculation has been revised, there are a number of 联邦学生资助-related matters that 不会改变.

  • UAFS学生可获得的一般援助类型 联邦学生贷款限额 不会改变.
  • The FAFSA will still be required for consideration of federal and state financial 每年援助.
  • 依赖状态问题 that determine if your parent(s) must complete the FAFSA will remain the same.
  • The FAFSA will still request tax 信息 from the prior-prior year, which means 您将在2024-2025年的申请表上报告2022年的收入和资产.


The UAFS 金融援助 and 退伍军人福利办事处 is dedicated to providing timely 学生,家庭和我们的菲律宾十大网赌网站更新. 由于重大的变化 are occurring, portions of our website may not be 100 percent accurate for the 2024-2025 学年. 当我们收到更多信息时,我们将继续更新此页面 来自美国.S. 教育部和联邦学生援助,感谢您的 patience as we work to implement the changes brought by the FAFSA简化法案.